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having a great time with them...:)
Tuesday, May 17, 2011 | 10:22 AM | 0 Love Letter
uke...walaupun da terlambat..aq nk wish jgk3...

happteachers day!!!

rajin pulak aq mengaler kan sesatu urop...see the leg la...
aq x p pn skolah kelmarin kerana kemalasan yg melampouuuu..
sooo...aq x bgi present lgi la kt cg2 yg ngajo aq... jgn kta bgi present, wish pn dak..
seriously, aq suka p skola..tp tah la hari guru taun ney mcm x beshh lnsong..x dak competition pn mcm tahun2 lepas...
rawwwrrr...ney yg membuad kan aq mlas nk p toe...tp jauh di sudut hati kuuu.. rsa menyesal toe ada la jgk..
ya la kan,,,this year kan my senior year...arghhhh....kesah apa aq... bnda da lepas... x pyah da nk pk..

jom kita flash back!!
kelmarin......pepagi hari aq da bgn...berpk sejenak supaya aq x kebosanan mcm cicak kering dlm rumah ney...
si akmal pulak...pepagi da ada game dya sendri...aq??? still x tw arah tuju lgikk utk menghabis kan teacher's day ney..
at last, aq pn ikot la my mum p tadika...

besh gilaxx kowt...bebudak ney chumill sgt...tmbah2 time berebut choclate..

yg bju kaler biru toe adek si ella.. mulot dya x nmpak gara2 dia buad 'piece' toe..
yg budak tecik kt belkang toe..mnja alahaiii..suka buad muka chumill...
tergoda pulak aq...hahahhahaha
apa2 pn mmg besh la..not bad la kannn
aq nk upload bebanyak gmbaq tp gmbaq berat out...
agak kemalasan nk tunggu lama...so 2 kping ja lah aq upload nah..
oke...pen off..-,-'

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