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my holidays...
Friday, June 10, 2011 | 4:51 AM | 0 Love Letter
first week holiday toe mmg aq di landa boredem disease kot..
boring yg terrr amat2 sgt kottt smpay dlm sehari toe aq tidoq 3 kali...
perghhh...mmg best sgt kot..last2 aq tgk la cita korean...


lawak kot...aq terus tgk cita ney walaupon aq x la addicted sgt dgn cita korea ney...
tapi oleh kerana boring yg terrramat2 sgt aq pn nengok la....
seriously, aq cuti ney x p vocation mna2 pn..just stay at home attend weddings and play with my honey bunny batrisya, thaqif & fawwaz...

fawwaz asyik sibok ja dgn laptop + disney playhouse..
kalo balik si budak ney compon x bole tgk cita apa..
asyik cartoon jerk memanjang...

si thaqif pulak bawu dapat lesen P na berjalan...hahhahahah...sumpah chomel sgt...>_<
dekat dalam mula buku almost 90 person da like picca si budak chumil ney yg tgh practise berjalan...:D
si budak kini sibok mengajuk orng ckap + berjalan kesini-sana ala2 police sedang memantau kawasan...
time aq tgh create entry ney pn si budak ney sibok memantau si asyu ney tgh buad apa...:)

x kurang jgk dgn si chumil eryna batrisya ney...woahhh...kamu makin mengganas maaaa....
ya lah kan...mana x tumpah nya kuah kalau x ke nasik...agaggagagaga... *pandai plak aq berbahasa kt dlm bloggie ney..may ketas exam...BLANK saja otak ney..
garang nya batrisya smpai thaqif pn tkot dgn batrisya...hahahhahahhaa....lawak3...
btw asyu doa kan supaya badan kamu cepat naik yeah,...jgn jadi kurus2 sgt nnti x bole lawan si gemok rayyan... muahahahhahah

to my mr akmal: i had the great tyme with you at this holidays...:D thanks a lot dear... aishiteru..<3

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