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home alone..:'(
Thursday, October 6, 2011 | 4:17 AM | 0 Love Letter
hai hotstuff sekalian... sumpah rindu sgt nk update belog...
time ney aq kesorangan...:'(
sedey sgt kot di tinggal kan oleh parents...hukhukhuk
parents aq time ney da tgh otw dh nk p KL.. *hope they will had the great time there... i will miss you for three days..
aq bkn x mau ikot.. aq nk ikot sgt3 oke.. tp bila memikirkan kelas kimia aq da absent 3 minggu deret dgn cg dk perli panas ja dekat aq...
niat nk ikot p KL aq tu jdi terhenti seketika... kalau hmpa nk tw mmg cg tu perli pedas gila...
cup3...bkn perli dh..tp kata face to face...depan2 kelas plak tu... *sumpah syokk sgttt
so aq bgi kata putus yg aq nk stay kt rumah ja...

and i will miss you rayyan amsyar..:(
sapa tu rayyan???
heeee.....dya tu boyfie baru saya.... best sgt3 boyfie mcm dya..
dya cool ja.. bak kata abang aq 'mr cool'..caya lah rayyan...:)
nk tengok dk gmbaq dya...?

oke...hensem kan... saya sgt syg beliau,..>.<
my mum  p Kl pn nk p hntaq si kecik rayyan ney lah....
selepas ney......
x dk dh la budak yg aq kna bgi mndi tiap2 petang... 
x dk la budak yg menangis2 nk p ronda nek moto...
x dk la budak yg aq kna bgi mkn tiap2 malam...
x dk la budak yg aq kna bgi tidoq tiap2 hari....
x dk dh la budak yg berak busuk nk mati...-,-'
huaaaaaaaaaaaaa.....rindu suda...

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